Lucknow: After a work full week there should have to be something for entertainment so like New Delhi and Mumbai Lucknow people has found a way to entertainment On Saturday at Burger Poing Gomti Nagar where people of Lucknow gathered for entertainment The Stand-up Open Mic 4 was conducted by The Stand-up Shows
founded by one of the city’s best Illusionist (Magician)- Aman Khare.

The Ankahe Alfaz and Gyani Creator were the two creative partners who supported the show. It was organized at one of the city’s popular food joint- Burger Point, Vibhav Khand, Gomtinagar on 21 st Of September 2019. The event saw big participation of youngsters from and outside the city.

Various media individuals, bloggers, and YouTubers were also there.
The main attraction of this open mic was the Brain Hacker and
Beatboxing session.

Brain Hacker is a combination of psychology and tricks which is performed by Aman Khare in which he demonstrates hypnosis, mind control, mind-reading, and magic.

Beatboxing, on the other hand, is performed by a duo of brothers- Utkarsh and Pranjal Verma.
They call their team- Beatbros.

The event was hosted by a city-based YouTuber Vaibhav Navlani and
Zaid. All the performers did great and performed their best. The winner was decided on the basis of the audience’s votes.
Mr. Uttam Chatterjee(actor) won the prize worth Rs.3000 and Mr. Dawar
Raza(poet) was selected as the first runner up.
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