(Sandhya Jha Intern Journalist)
Washington: US President Donald Trump vetoed (officially denied) a resolution passed with the aim of obstructing his ability to take military action against Iran, stating that Congress should not pass it. In a statement released on Wednesday, Trump stated that he has vetoed the Iran war powers’ proposal to end the use of the United States Armed Forces in hostilities against Iran.
Trump said it was a very outrageous resolution, introduced by Democrats as part of a strategy to win the election on November 3 by splitting the Republican Party. Hill pointed out that Congress does not have the required two-thirds majority to override Trump’s veto.
The move marks the seventh time Trump has used his veto pen, including a pre-war power resolution concerning the aid of the US military to Saudi Arabia in Yemen’s civil war. The House approved the motion in March with 227–186 votes. Six Republicans joined Democrats in passing the measure. The Senate approved that proposal in February when eight Republicans voted with Democrats to support the motion.
According to the resolution, Trump could not use the United States Armed Forces for hostilities against Iran unless Congress specifically authorized it. The proposal was brought when Washington and Iran were on the verge of war earlier this year. Tensions between the US and Iran have increased since Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018 and stricter sanctions.
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