Lucknow News Radiant Awadh Newspaper.: On the order of Mr.O.P Singh (DGP) Uttar Pradesh Police, Lucknow traffic police has got 193 thermal printer under the leadership of Mr.Kalanidhi Naithani (SSP) Lucknow, Mr.Purnendu Singh (SP) Traffic Lucknow, On the very first of the 193 thermal printer Lucknow Police has done the 3000+ e-challaan’s in Lucknow Mr.Purnendu Singh has given a kind of Warning to citizen of Lucknow that to start following the rules otherwise Lucknow traffic police is waiting for you at every circles and corner.

Mr.Naithani told that because of thermal printers the police personnel will able to provide an instant receipt of e-challan to the citizens and Mr.Naithani also told that this is just a beginning fo Digitilisation of Lucknow Police under his Leadership if future they are going to add swipe machine to e-challan by that citizen of Lucknow will able to pay the fine on the spot of e-challan.
Mr.Naithani also told that if the citizen will underestimate the e-challan 3 times his/her registration will be canceled by the R.T.O, and by the help of e-challan app which is Introduced by N.I.C they have done 150 e-challan’s of Police officers at Police Line Lucknow and 155 e-challan’s of Police officers at Traffic Police Line Lucknow and the total 3422 e-challan has been done in the city on Friday, and total 574 Vehicles e-challan has been done 4 times since January for which Lucknow Police has forwarded the File to R.T.O for their Registration cancelation .
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