Iraq information about IS, Nasser Kardash begins to be questioned

Iraqi security forces have started questioning the Islamic State (IS) militant and its top leader Nasir Kardash. Iraqi security forces hope that Kardash may provide some important clues about the IS organization. Let us know that the Iraqi security forces took terrorist Kardash into their possession on Wednesday. He is taking over as the top leader of the organization following the assassination of IS mastermind Abu Al Baghdadi.


Iraqi security forces hope that it has important information about the IS organization. It can have an organization’s databank. Therefore, his capture is a big setback for IS. Iraqi Security Forces spokesperson Rasul said that Kardash was active in Iraq for a long time. He remained a challenge to Iraqi forces. He was involved in terrorist conspiracy across the country by joining the sleeper cell of IS.
The Iraqi military has been sharing information about IS operations with Syria, Iran, and Russia.