Lucknow: You must have heard that the Challan not to put their seatbelts on the bicycle, the Challan not to put helmets in the car, the Challan of stolen vehicles, but this Challan is different from all of them here, a sub-inspector of Talkatora police station has launched a Challan just to get revenge on a baati choka dealer.
Another new police act of Lucknow Police will blow your mind, the driver’s shawl does not have a seat belt.
Surprised to hear he explains his reason. It was the delay in delivering the baati to a Sub-inspector, only for some delay in receiving the baati, the Sub-inspector picked up and cut his challan. While cutting the challan he didn’t even see what the challan was cutting for.
However, after the issue was noted, the SSP Kalanidhi Naithani took action and suspended the Sub-inspector.
This is the case

In the area of the Talkatora police station, a few days ago,sub-inspector Dinesh Chandra Bati arrived at Kanhaiyalal, who was a Baati Chokha vendor in a food truck.
Where he asked him to give the baati chokha. Due to the rush at the outlet, Kanhaiya was slow to hand over the Baati Chokha to sub-inspector Dinesh Chandra Bati. The sub-inspector was furious after seeing the delay.
He started arguing with Kanhaiya, but they both got angry. The result was that the spiteful sub-inspector cut the Challan that Kanhaiyalal did not put on his seat belt.
Poor Kanhaiya complained to the sub-inspector at the police station.
Measures have been taken after the investigation.
As soon as the issue reached the SSP notification, it immediately launched an investigation into the matter.
Sub-Inspector Dinesh Chandra, those who overshadowed the police image were suspended on the basis of the CO Bazarkhala report. The SSP Kalanithi Naithani has warned the entire police force in the district that action will be taken in the event of the detection of a malicious challan. The Challan will be deducted only for the violation of traffic rules.
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