Washington. The US Justice Department has withdrawn the case against former White House National Security Advisor (NSA) Michael Flynn. The department said that Flynn’s accusations have not been proved in the case of Russian interference in the US elections in 2016. There is no justified basis, due to which the case should be taken forward. Also, in the same case in December 2017, the charge of lying to the FBI has also not been proved.

The decision has been taken under the leadership of Attorney General Bill Barr, considered an ally of Trump. The decision reversed the 18-month work of the Bar’s predecessor General and the FBI.
Trump gets strengthened just before elections
The decision reinforces Trump just before the election. Trump has consistently said that the investigation is a political propaganda. Trump said on Thursday that Michael Flynn was targeted by the Obama administration to bring the president down.
Former officials resented the decision
Bar said in a conversation with CBC News, “Our duty is to withdraw this case now.” No charges have been proved against Flynn. There is no basis for proceeding with the case on them.”The present and former officials associated with the investigation have expressed their displeasure over this decision of the Bar. He has accused the bar of favoring Trump. Jerry Nadler, Democratic chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said, “There is overwhelming evidence against General Flynn.”He has also been convicted of lying to investigators. The Justice Department has now become political and corrupt. He just wants to keep Trump’s seat.”
Robert Muller’s investigation was made the basis of the case
The case of Russia’s interference in the US elections was investigated by Special Counsel Rarbut Müller for 22 months. The case against Michael Flynn was started on the basis of his report. In December 2016, Flynn is alleged to have had a secret conversation with Russian envoy Sergey Kisak in Washington. Flynn is reportedly making political deals with Russia during several phone calls taped by the FBI. Six people, including Flynn, were involved in Trump’s campaign, Muller reported.
Flynn had many contacts in Russia. Last year he paid thousands of dollars to attend an event of Russian media ‘RT’ in Moscow. At the event, he sat next to President Vladimir Putin.
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